When you're tired of nothing making any sense...
The Sweet Strategies that Make it as Easy as PB&J...
Find a Niche that makes You Stand Out as the Expert
What to Say to Build the Relationship and Get Them to Buy
Set up the Systems to Have it Run "Hands-Free"
Click to Get Access to "Personal Brand and the Jam" - Just $249
Why Wait? Get this Cool Course NOW!
$249 USD
INTRODUCING "Personal Brand and the JAM"
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The Basic, No-Nonsense Approach to Some of the Most Critical Aspects of a Personal Brand!
In this 7-Module Training You'll Learn About:
Target Marketing
How you can be seen as the expert and who exactly your message should be targeting.
The All-Important Opt-In
Craft an offer that will grow your list without asking for too much in return.
Target Marketing
Make a memorable website, one that engages your visitors and gets them to take action with you.
Captivating Video Training
Have an impact on your audience with video training that captures their attention and has them wanting more.
Copywriting that Pulls
How to positively persuade people with your words and a step-by-step formula for crafting that message.
Maximizing Your Content
Why start from scratch for every piece of content? Craft something once and make use of it many times. Boom!
The Power of Your Autoresponder
The automatic, “hands-off” system for communicating with your audience and bringing in more sales.
Hey We're Pat and Lorna
We help driven workplace misfits like yourself build the profitable business of your dreams that will create more impact, freedom and success.
We’ve learned through our more-than 15 years of experience in the online space... what works… and what doesn’t. Yeah, we know how frustrating it can be to spend hours in front of a laptop feeling like you’re getting nowhere.
After spending a lot of time and tens of thousands of dollars being coached by, and working with, some of the top marketers in the world, we’ve discovered what it takes to create a business based on your knowledge and expertise WITHOUT having to sacrifice doing the things you love.
Wouldn’t it be so cool to have the financial and time freedom to be able to do what you love and brings you joy… and be able to make a difference in the lives of others along the way.
This course is designed to get that started.
Just know that whatever you want is within your reach right now...
We promise that you CAN do this.
But the best part is... you don't have to take our word for it!
If you're not 100% satisfied with the tutorials, or the extras after 7 days, we will offer you a full refund, no questions asked.
That means you can enroll today, and you don't even have to decide if you're in for good! Take the full 7 days to explore the materials and experience the full effect of Personal Brand and the JAM and then make a life changing decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don't.
Everything You'll Receive With Personal Brand and the Jam...
Module 1: Target Marketing
(Value $97)
Module 2: The All-Important Opt-In
(Value $97)
Module 3: Creating Your Website
(Value $97)
Module 4: Captivating Video Training
(Value $97)
Module 5: Copywriting that Pulls
(Value $97)
Module 6: Maximizing Your Content
(Value $97)
Module 7: The Power of Your Autoresponder
(Value $97)
Bonus 1: Personal Branding Tools Course
(Value $249)
Bonus 2: B.R.A.N.D. Action Map
(Value $47)
Bonus 9: Brand Communication Target
(Value $47)
Total Value = $1,022
Today's Price = Only $249
No more smashing keyboards...
Personal Brand and the Jam will have you love starting your Personal Brand (with your JAM)!